Princeton Model UN Conference 2024 DEI Clause

As delegates at PMUNC, we gather to discuss a wide array of global issues, each with its unique historical, social, and political context. Throughout history, individuals/countries taking part in such discussions have, at times, been involved in actions that were considered war crimes or gross violations of human rights. While we are committed to promoting historical accuracy and respect for the past, we must emphasize our commitment to maintaining ethical standards in all our committees.

It is of paramount importance that we make it explicitly clear that certain actions taken by delegates will not be condoned. Crisis notes or actions advocating for any of the following actions will not be accepted, and the conference leadership will be immediately informed of such occurrences:

  • War crimes directed at civilian populations.

  • Genocides and mass killings, especially those targeting specific ethnic, religious, or racial groups.

  • Indiscriminate violence, including acts such as terror bombing (strategic bombing of civilian targets without military value) and the use of weapons of mass destruction on civilian populations.

  • If you are unsure whether an action would be considered inappropriate please discuss with your committee chair or conference staff (DEI chair: Gabriela Cejas, 

Our intention is not to ignore or alter historical facts but to underline the significance of delegates' understanding of the ethical implications of their actions. Since we convene in the year 2023, we must recognize the contemporary standards and values that guide our discussions. While we encourage delegates to embody and express the beliefs and perspectives of the characters they represent, we must stress that any speeches or actions advocating for the aforementioned actions will not be accepted.

Please bear in mind that various actions typically allowed in crisis committees, such as the removal of political opponents, conventional battlefield actions, the banning of organizations, and more, remain within the acceptable range. Striking this balance allows us to maintain historical accuracy while upholding ethical standards throughout our proceedings. 


We would also like to remind all delegates that pre-writing is strictly prohibited. If any delegates are found to be working on resolutions or other committee material outside of official PMUNC meetings, their faculty advisor may be contacted and they may be disqualified for awards. If there are any concerns or questions about pre-writing and what is permissible please contact conference staff (DEI chair: Srista Tripathi,