Dismembering the Old Dominion: The Restored Government of Virginia, 1861-63

It is June 1861. The Commonwealth of Virginia, along with ten other states, has seceded from the Union.  In response, loyal northwestern Virginians are meeting to proclaim themselves the Restored Government of Virginia… and some have even bigger plans. The new president, Abraham Lincoln, is dedicated to preserving the Union in the face of secession, but his cabinet and Congress are full of his political rivals. And, of course, all of them are under Confederate military threat. Leaders in the Restored Government, Congress, and the executive branch must balance the goal of restoring the Union with Virginia’s specific complexities. Decisions must be made about who, exactly, the government of Virginia is; what Virginia should look like after the war; how Virginia and its loyalists can be militarily secured; and what fealty to the Constitution means. With a longstanding sectional division of its own, Virginia presents challenges beyond merely defeating the Confederacy. Decisions made here about the nature of the Union and the aims of post-war Reconstruction will shape the country for a century–and more.


Benjamin Woodard

Benjamin Woodard is a member of the Class of 2025. As the great-great-great-grandson of a murderess, he has long been fascinated by history – now his field of study. Benjamin started MUN in his sophomore year of college. Outside of MUN and a few campus political activities, he enjoys reading, rock climbing, and arguing about religion and politics with his friends. A twelfth-generation West Virginian, Benjamin is incredibly excited to chair Dismembering the Old Dominion: The Restored Government of Virginia, 1861-63.

Crisis Director

Daniel SHaw

Daniel Shaw is a member of the Class of 2025, concentrating in Politics. With interests in American history, political theory, and constitutional law, he couldn't be more excited to be a crisis director for this committee! Daniel joined PMUNT in his sophomore year, and it’s been one of his most enjoyable experiences at Princeton. Outside of MUN, he serves in the student government, as well as leading the Whig-Cliosophic Society. You can also find him on the tennis court. Daniel can't wait to see what the delegates cook up for Dismembering the Old Dominion!